Psion48 registration

Why registering?
Psion48 is shareware. You can download and use it for tests.
If you keep it for a frequent use, you must register. The fee goal is to make up for the time spent and the equipment used for Psion48 development.

After registering, you will receive a key disabling all limitations of the demo release. No more download or setup is required.

How to register?
You can register online or by sending cash or check (payable to Xavier Galante) at the following postal address:

8, avenue Beauséjour
95380 Louvres

Online Registration
Psion48 may be registered online from RegNet - The Registration Network. The icon below is a link to the registration page of Psion48 at Regnet. Simply push it and follow instruction if you want to register Psion48.

Registration fee
The registration fee amount is depending on the currency and on the way used to register, as shown below:

Currency Price
Europe 25Euro
England 25£
USA 25$
RegNet(US$) 45$

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